
Bus to Cotopaxi Secret Garden

Apr 21, 2014 Mon
08:00Bus to Cotopaxi Secret Garden
10:13still waiting for bus to leave
secret garden quito about 75 for 2 nights plus breakfast
secret garden cotopaxi 78 for 2 nights
transfer is u5 or so it said
14:03 Cotopaxi waterfall hike
14:03 Cotopaxi waterfall hike
14:09secret garden cotopaxi
14:09waterfall hike
14:52 Cotopaxi waterfall hike
14:59 daisy the puppy
15:25 Cotopaxi secret garden
15:31 Cotopaxi secret garden
15:35 Cotopaxi secret garden
15:56 Secret Garden Cotopaxi
17:00 Secret Garden Cotopaxi
17:14 Secret Garden Cotopaxi
18:22 Secret Garden Cotopaxi
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